OE901: Child Abuse and Maltreatment/Neglect: Identification and Reporting New York State Mandatory Course
Course Abstract: |
Access Continuing Education, Inc. has been approved by the New York State
Education Department as a provider of the state mandated courses on Child Abuse,
Infection Control and Prevention of School Violence for all New York State licensed
professionals. Upon successful completion of these courses your Certificate of
Completion is immediately available for you to print AND we electronically transfer
your completion information to the New York State Education Department daily at
4:00PM EST. There is no need for you to mail your certificate; we do it for you
Course Description: |
Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to:
- Discuss the scope of the problem of child abuse.
- Identify the legal definitions of child abuse and maltreatment/neglect in New
York State.
- Describe possible indicators, physical and behavioral, of child abuse and
- Describe the perpetrators of child abuse and maltreatment/neglect.
- Evaluate situations to determine whether there is reasonable cause to suspect
child abuse or maltreatment/neglect.
- State the criteria for reporting child abuse or maltreatment/neglect.
- Describe the reporting procedure.
- Describe the legal framework for the New York State Child Protective System.
- State how the New York State Infant Abandonment Law impacts mandated reports.
Contact Hours: 4.00
Price: $30.00
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* Upon successful completion of our courses your certificate of completion is immediately available for you to print AND we electronically transfer your completion information to CE Broker every Monday at 4:00PM EST. There is no need for you to mail your certificate; we do it for you electronically!
**Upon successful completion of these courses your certificate of completion is immediately available for you to print AND we electronically transfer your completion information to the State Education Department daily at 4:00PM EST. There is no need for you to mail your certificate; we do it for you electronically!