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Course Objectives

At the end of course, each participant will be able to:

    1.  Define the term, “Later Maturity” rather than using the term “Old Age” as the last developmental stage

    2. Name and describe the stereotypes and attitudes used in describing and dealing with elderly clients

    3. Explain how personal values, attitudes and feelings about the elderly, will affect the behavior of people toward the elderly

    4. Name and describe at least two methods of effective communications that allow the nurse to obtain a good nursing history during the assessment process

    5. Name at least two interventions that can be useful for individualizing the nursing care for the elderly client

    6. Name and discuss at least two characteristics of the helping relationship

    7. Name at least two behaviors that indicates a helping relationship for the elderly patient

    8. Name and describe at least five physical changes that commonly occur in later life

    9. Name and describe at least two ways in which the nurse can intervene supportively, using self, environmental, or physical aids, to help the senior maintain or regain cognitive competency

    10. Name and describe at least one method of exploring the meaning of death and personal attitudes toward dying, death and the maintenance of life

Notice and disclaimers:

Medicine and Nursing are ever-changing sciences. As new information is gained, changes in treatments and drug therapies are required. The author(s), editor, and publisher of this text have used every possible reliable source in order to verify information in this text, to be sure that the information is accurate and the most current and acceptable information available at the time of publication. However, due to human error and/or changes in medical science, neither the editors nor publishers nor any other party involved in the preparation or publication of this text, warrant that the information contained herein is in every respect accurate or complete, and they are not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from use of such information. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources. For example, and in particular, readers should check the product information sheet for any drugs mentioned in this text that you administer.

This course is designed to provide nursing professionals with general information to assist in their practices and professional development. The information provided in this course is based on research and consultation with medical and nursing authorities, and is, to the best of our knowledge, current and accurate. However, this course is offered with the understanding that Nurses Research Publication is not engaged in rendering legal, nursing, or other professional advice. This course is not a substitute for seeking professional advice or conducting individual research. In applying the information provided in this course to individual circumstances, all recommendations must be considered in light of the unique circumstances of each situation.

This course book is intended solely for individual use, and not for the benefit of providing advice or recommendations to third parties. Nurses Research Publication disclaims any responsibility for any adverse consequences resulting from the failure to seek medical, nursing, or other professional advice, or to conduct independent research. Nurses Research Publication further disclaims any responsibility for updating or revising any programs or publications presented, published, distributed or sponsored by Nurses Research Publication unless otherwise agreed to as part of an individual purchase contract.

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