HIPAA: The Good, the Bad, the Mandated

~ Exam ~

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You must correctly answer 8 of 10 questions. If needed, you may retake the exam. Please complete the evaluation form that will appear on your screen after passing the exam.

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This test has 10 questions.

All questions must be answered before the test can be graded.

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1. The "P" in HIPAA means "privacy"

  a. True

  b. False

2. PHI means "protected health information"

  a. True

  b. False

3. TPO means "time per office" visit

  a. True

  b. False

4. A person's telephone number is not considered protected information

  a. True

  b. False

5. There should be only one password for an entire facility

  a. True

  b. False

6. Security of information on the computer is important

  a. True

  b. False

7. We should try to not allow our patients to see the computer screen

  a. True

  b. False

8. It is good policy to keep my password private

  a. True

  b. False

9. Giving patient information to all family members is OK

  a. True

  b. False

10. A patient chart should not be taken out of the office

  a. True

  b. False