Advanced Radiology

~ Exam ~

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1. What is kVp?

  a. The voltage applied to the tungsten filament.

  b. The wattage for any given x-ray tube.

  c. The amperage that flows through the filament and anode.

  d. The total beam amperage of the x-ray tube.

  e. The amperage that flows through the filament and anode.

2. In order to restrict low energy photons, the x-ray beam is filtered through:

  a. aluminum

  b. titanium

  c. lead

  d. lead glass

  e. copper

3. The unit of radiation most often used to compare the harm that various forms of radiation can do to biological tissues is:

  a. the absorbed dose.

  b. the Sievert.

  c. the REM

  d. both a and b

  e. both b and c

4. Which source yields the greatest dose of radiation?

  a. a panoramic jaw scan.

  b. a chest x-ray.

  c. a dental full mouth series of x-rays.

  d. radiation from outer space during a year in Denver, Colorado.

5. Which system of digital radiography uses a scintillation layer?

  a. the indirect system.

  b. the semi-direct system.

  c. the direct system.

  d. a and b.

6. What causes fuzzy looking edges on radiographs?

  a. a penumbra.

  b. a large focal spot.

  c. a long cone.

  d. a and b.

  e. b and c.

7. In a standard x-ray unit, the quantity of x-radiation produced during exposure is controlled primarily by:

  a. kilovoltage.

  b. mREMS.

  c. milliamperage (mA).

  d. inherent filtration.

8. The bisecting angle technique:

  a. produces the least distortions in non-parallel situations. b

  b. requires the use of a short cone.

  c. produces an undistorted image even though film is not parallel with teeth.

  d. requires longer exposure times.

9. The Clark Shift:

  a. shifts a distal object to the mesial for posterior shots in gaggers.

  b. is designed to discover the relative buccal lingual position of two or more objects.

  c. is done using three separate radiographs.

  d. reduces elongation and foreshortening in non-parallel situations.

  e. is used to calibrate the vertical axis in non-parallel situations.

10. X-rays are actually produced in the x-ray tube by:

  a. radioactive decay of particulate matter.

  b. electrical current passing through a mixture of oil and gases creating energy peaks.

  c. high speed electrons interacting with the nucleus of target atoms giving off radiation.

  d. high-speed photons colliding with the electrons in the oil mixture and target area and target area.

11. If a photon collides with an atom or electron and has enough energy to displace it, but does not transfer all of its own energy to the atom or the electron, it will continue on weaker as scattered radiation. This is called:

  a. classical scattering.

  b. the Compton effect.

  c. the photoelectric effect.

  d. Bremsstrahlung Radiation.

12. The sum of the weighted equivalent doses for all irradiated tissues or organs is called:

  a. the absorbed dose.

  b. the effective dose.

  c. the exposure.

  d. the organic equivalent dose.

13. Which are affiliated with Digital Radiography?

  a. Less radiation.

  b. Bluetooth Technology and Remote Controlled Capability.

  c. Can have operator caused chemical fog as an artifact.

  d. Both a and b.

14. In dental radiography, the term density refers to:

  a. the degree of blackening of the film after exposure and processing.

  b. the degree to which x-rays can penetrate the tissues.

  c. the radiopacity of the aluminum filter in the x-ray tube.

  d. the difference in film blackening between areas of interest in a radiograph.

15. What is the key to placing the film or sensor painlessly in the mandibular molar region?

  a. using topical anesthetic in the lingual vestibule.

  b. ask the patient to relax the tongue.

  c. angle the film medially, away from the attachment of the mylohyoid muscle.

  d. ask the patient to relax the tongue and angle the film medially, away from the attachment of the mylohyoid muscle.

  e. using topical anesthetic in the lingual vestibule and angle the film medially, away from the attachment of the mylohyoid muscle.

16. What is the main disadvantage to panoramic radiographs?

  a. they have lower resolution than intraoral films.

  b. the resulting image tends to be fuzzy.

  c. the imaged structures are enlarged, and measurements are less accurate than on an intraoral radiograph.

  d. all of the above.

17. The following are FALSE regarding digital radiography

  a. even in pregnant patients and children, thyroid collars are no longer recommended per The National Council on Radiation Protection & Measurements (NCRP)

  b. digital sensors are more rigid but less sharp on the edges vs. film

  c. there is LESS radiation exposure using digital sensor vs. film

  d. blue-tooth capabilities are now being used in digital radiography

18. The principles of shadow casting include:

  a. x-rays should be emitted from the largest source of radiation possible.

  b. the x-ray source to object distance should be as short as possible.

  c. the object to receptor distance should be as short as possible.

  d. the x-ray source to object distance and the object to receptor distance should be as short as possible.

19. In a digital sensor, a CCD is:

  a. a CMOS sensor.

  b. a semiconductor chip with a rectangular grid of light sensitive elements.

  c. a frame grabber with an A/D and D/A converter to capture images.

  d. an image processor that can convert electrical signals into 65,536 shades of gray.

20. The reason that contralateral objects do not appear on a panoramic image is:

  a. contra-lateral objects are closer to the source of the x-rays.

  b. the cassette translates in the same direction as the revolution of the x-ray head.

  c. the objects closer to the cassette move faster with respect to the cassette than objects closer to the x-ray source.

  d. Lateral objects will appear blurred since they are further away from the sensor.

21. In a CAT scan machine:

  a. the detectors are arranged in a line, and the beam is pencil shaped.

  b. the detectors are arranged in a rectangular array, and the beam is cone shaped.

  c. the detectors are arranged in a line and the beam is fan shaped.

  d. the detectors are arranged in a rectangular array and the beam is fan shaped.

22. The reason that CAT scans deliver high doses of radiation to the patient is:

  a. they use mostly high energy, high frequency x-radiation.

  b. they use a high percentage of low frequency, low energy x-radiation.

  c. they are used mostly to image hard tissue.

  d. they are an older technology rapidly being replaced by cone beam technology.

23. In a cone beam machine:

  a. the detectors are arranged in a line, and the beam is cone shaped.

  b. the detectors are arranged in a rectangular array, and the beam is cone shaped.

  c. the detectors are arranged in a three dimensional array and the beam is cone shaped.

  d. the detectors are arranged in a rectangular array and the beam is a fan that sweeps out a cone shaped exposure area.

24. . The legal responsibility for recognizing and referring pathological structures appearing on a cone beam image series lies with:

  a. the doctor who takes the image.

  b. the referring doctor.

  c. the radiologist.

  d. b and c.

  e. a and b.

25. Cone beam technology offers clinicians late generational computational power that can:

  a. use a high percentage of low frequency, low energy x-radiation.

  b. use a semiconductor chip with a rectangular grid of light sensitive elements.

  c. offer clinicians the ability to see spatial relationships at a glance.

  d. convert electrical signals into 65,536 shades of gray.