Empathy, Prayer, and Patient Care

~ Exam ~

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1. The types of prayer discussed in this video are:

  a. conversational, meditative, ritual, intercessory

  b. argumentative, meditative, constructive, ritual

  c. recitative, meditative, constructive, focused

  d. recitive, reflective, constructive, interactive

2. All forms of prayer involve a relaxation response.

  a. True

  b. False

3. CS Lewis claimed that well grounded scientific study of intercessory prayer was impossible.

  a. True

  b. False

4. Empathy exhaustion and compassion collapse is a major problem in health care.

  a. True

  b. False

5. A major change in the MCAT examination was made in order to:

  a. select more inherently empathetic students

  b. select smarter students

  c. select more diverse students

  d. select funnier students

6. Mirror neurons are involved in

  a. language learning

  b. physical action

  c. theory of mind

  d. all of the above

7. Sympathy and empathy are

  a. the same

  b. not needed in medicine or dentistry

  c. are both about your own feelings

  d. none of the above

8. Placebo effect can be

  a. more important than the diagnosis or drug

  b. fake treatment given to annoying patients

  c. ineffective in non-empathetic patient relationships

  d. illegal

  e. a and c

9. Empathy studied by means of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy show:

  a. pre doctoral students are most empathetic when them begin study

  b. pre doctoral students are most empathetic when they graduate

  c. that empathy stays the same throughout training

  d. have been validated hundreds of times

  e. a and d

10. Mindfulness, paying attention to a patient, is essential to empathy.

  a. True

  b. False

11. Studies of intercessory prayer have shown:

  a. that it doesn’t work.

  b. that it is very difficult to study and the results are inconclusive.

  c. that it causes harm.

  d. that it creates positive healthcare outcomes.

12. Studies of prayer in which people pray together have shown

  a. that it doesn’t work.

  b. that it is very difficult to study and the results are inconclusive.

  c. that it causes harm.

  d. that it enhances positive healthcare outcomes.