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Course Objectives

At the end of course, each participant will be able to:

    1. Give better nursing care and/or advice to those pregnant patients and/or families,   contacted in the clinical setting (to be evaluated by each participant at their own clinical facility).

    2. Properly refer the pregnant woman for the appropriate medical care and/or prenatal testing, using the guidelines listed in this text for the “normal” pregnancy.

    3. Properly explain procedures listed in this text and the reasons for the tests required for determination of maternal and/or fetal well-being.

    4. Properly perform the basic exam techniques listed in this text on the pregnant client, in order to help determine maternal and/or fetal well-being (to be evaluated by each participant in their own clinical setting). If the nurse is not working in the appropriate clinical setting, each participant will be able to name at least 5 of the basic exam procedures used and explain their use in helping to determine maternal and/or fetal well-being.

    5. Properly evaluate the results of the exam (above), and be able to state whether or not the   results are abnormal; if these results are abnormal, the nurse should be able to state what emergency measures would be instituted, if needed.

    6. Explain how the family would be included in the evaluation of each of the clients the    nurse contacts, and name at least 3 ways to include the family in the care of the client.

    7. Name and discuss at least 3 ways to utilize lines of communications in your own clinical   facility, so that the client will obtain appropriate information and referral to the labor and  delivery unit in your facility, or to another facility.

    8. Name and discuss at least 5 specific assessments performed on the pregnant client which are preformed routinely in order to maintain the well-being of the mother and fetus.

    9. Describe the appropriate follow-up for the above assessments, if they indicate an   abnormality.

    10. Name and discuss the 3 major reasons for follow-up of the woman with Rh negative blood, who has a high antibody screening titer.

    11. To be better able to identify those problems and potential problems in the newborn which can lead to compromise of the well-being of the infant.

    12. To be better able to care for the newborn with any of the problems or the potential roblems identified in text.

    13. Recognition of the fact that the parents of the at-risk newborn will need referrals in order to cope with the situation; they will need emotional support, explanations and counseling.

    14. Identify at least four torch infections and discuss the ramifications of the assessment of the newborn infant.

    15. Name and discuss all the reproductive outcomes of exposure of the mother to environmental pollutants mentioned in this text.

    16. Name and discuss all the reproductive outcomes of exposure of the mother to the drugs mentioned in this text.

    17. Identify the special needs and considerations of the nurse for assessment of the newborn in family-centered care setting.

    18. Perform satisfactorily on an objective examination at the end of this course which includes all areas of assessment discussed in this text. 

    19. Name and identify seven neonatal birth injuries and their underlying causes.

    20. Name and identify the related risk conditions and potential complications.

    21. Name and identify injuries needing immediate care or transport to high-risk center.

    22. Name and discuss emotional support provided to families of infants with birth injuries.

    23. Name and discuss appropriate nursing interventions needed for each of the injuries.

    24. Define the transitional period and the adaptations which the infant must make to the extra uterine life.

    25. Differentiate between normal and abnormal characteristics of the newborn during the reactivity period.  

    26. Name and discuss the 5 assessment criteria used for the Apgar score.

    27. Name and discuss the signs of inadequate oxygenation in the newborn.

    28. Name and discuss the problems of hypoglycemia in the new born.

    29. Name and discuss the principles of neonatal thermoregulation.

    30. dentify the congenital anomalies which may be life-threatening.

    31. Identify those anomalies which may not be life-threatening, but need further assessment and also treatment.

    32. Describe specific anomalies as presented on an objective exam at the end of the course.

    33. Know the potential risks and prognosis for the described anomalies.

    34. Identify the specific assessment procedures involved in assessing the newborn with congenital anomalies.
    35. Name the factors involved with assessing the growth and maturity of the newborn.

    36. Name and discuss how to estimate gestational age from obstetrical data.

    37. Name and define the criteria used to identify the infant as full-term or not.

    38. Assess infant’s gestational age by physical measurements.

    39. Name 11 signs that can be used to assess the infant’s physical maturity.

    40. Name 10 signs that can be used to assess neurological maturity.

Notice and disclaimers:

Medicine and Nursing are ever-changing sciences. As new information is gained, changes in treatments and drug therapies are required. The author(s), editor, and publisher of this text have used every possible reliable source in order to verify information in this text, to be sure that the information is accurate and the most current and acceptable information available at the time of publication. However, due to human error and/or changes in medical science, neither the editors nor publishers nor any other party involved in the preparation or publication of this text, warrant that the information contained herein is in every respect accurate or complete, and they are not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from use of such information. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources. For example, and in particular, readers should check the product information sheet for any drugs mentioned in this text that you administer.

This course is designed to provide nursing professionals with general information to assist in their practices and professional development. The information provided in this course is based on research and consultation with medical and nursing authorities, and is, to the best of our knowledge, current and accurate. However, this course is offered with the understanding that Nurses Research Publication is not engaged in rendering legal, nursing, or other professional advice. This course is not a substitute for seeking professional advice or conducting individual research. In applying the information provided in this course to individual circumstances, all recommendations must be considered in light of the unique circumstances of each situation.

This course book is intended solely for individual use, and not for the benefit of providing advice or recommendations to third parties. Nurses Research Publication disclaims any responsibility for any adverse consequences resulting from the failure to seek medical, nursing, or other professional advice, or to conduct independent research. Nurses Research Publication further disclaims any responsibility for updating or revising any programs or publications presented, published, distributed or sponsored by Nurses Research Publication unless otherwise agreed to as part of an individual purchase contract.

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