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Course Objectives

At the end of course, each participant will be able to:

  1. Name and discuss at least 5 important anatomical landmarks of the respiratory system used for assessment purposes.
  2. Name and discuss each of the individual steps involved in the process of palpation of the lungs and thorax.
  3. Name and discuss each of the individual steps involved in the process of percussion of the lungs and thorax.
  4. Name and discuss each of the individual steps involved in the process of auscultation of the lungs and thorax.
  5. Obtain a score of 70% or better on an objective examination at the conclusion of the test.
  6. In the clinical area, be better able to assess the lungs and thorax; and to chart assessment findings.
  7. Name and discuss at least two reasons for performing the mental status examination
  8. Name and discuss the five general observations used while performing a complete mental status examination.
  9. Name and discuss five areas of the overall physical assessment which relate to the mental status assessment.
  10. Name and discuss at least five parts of the mental status assessment.
  11. Name and discuss five areas of intellectual function; describe each one in detail.
  12. Name and describe at least one method of assessing each of the six areas of intellectual assessment.
  13. Describe nursing implications of patients with disturbances in each of the six areas of intellectual functioning.
  14. Discuss the parts of the general medical examination performed before beginning the neurological assessment of the patient.
  15. Explain in detail at least four diagnostic tests relating directly to the nervous system.
  16. Discuss the importance of the diagnostic tests and their results, in relation to the neurological assessment which each nurse will perform.
  17. Discuss important neurological findings, both normal and abnormal, for each of the following conditions:  brain tumors, C.V.A.’s, meningitis, subdural hematoma.
  18. Discuss important medical findings and specific neurological findings relating to the neurological findings, both normal and abnormal, for the following:  cardiac surgery patient, polyradiculitis, diabetic neuropathy.
  19. Discuss at least five possible abnormal findings relating to the neurological examination for the infant with cerebral palsy.
  20. Name and discuss the five areas of assessment as they pertain to recording the neurological assessment.
  21. Name and discuss at least three items that would be significant of pathology in the patient history.
  22. Name and discuss the two significant parts of the motor examination
  23. Name and discuss the assessment of the cranial nerves, and the three main parts of the examination.
  24. Name and discuss the three main considerations of the nursing care plan for the neurologically impaired patient.
  25. Name and describe seven parts of the thorax mentioned in this text
  26. Name and describe the two major parts of the gross muscular structure of the heart
  27. Name and describe the four chambers of the heart as they relate to pumping action
  28. Name and describe the four valves of the heart and their position in the heart
  29. Perform with 85% accuracy on an objective examination covering all areas of text
  30. Name and discuss the normal and abnormal findings of assessment of the bony thorax and gross findings of the heart and great blood vessels, including peripheral vascular disease, hypertension and the condition of shock.
  31. Discuss the definition and importance of inspection of the CV system including the gross anatomical structures.

(to be evaluated by each nurse in their own clinical facility)

Because of this increase in the skill level of each participant, the nurse will be better able to care for all their patients; not just those with diseases of the respiratory tract.

Notice and disclaimers:

Medicine and Nursing are ever-changing sciences. As new information is gained, changes in treatments and drug therapies are required. The author(s), editor, and publisher of this text have used every possible reliable source in order to verify information in this text, to be sure that the information is accurate and the most current and acceptable information available at the time of publication. However, due to human error and/or changes in medical science, neither the editors nor publishers nor any other party involved in the preparation or publication of this text, warrant that the information contained herein is in every respect accurate or complete, and they are not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from use of such information. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources. For example, and in particular, readers should check the product information sheet for any drugs mentioned in this text that you administer.

This course is designed to provide nursing professionals with general information to assist in their practices and professional development. The information provided in this course is based on research and consultation with medical and nursing authorities, and is, to the best of our knowledge, current and accurate. However, this course is offered with the understanding that Nurses Research Publication is not engaged in rendering legal, nursing, or other professional advice. This course is not a substitute for seeking professional advice or conducting individual research. In applying the information provided in this course to individual circumstances, all recommendations must be considered in light of the unique circumstances of each situation.

This course book is intended solely for individual use, and not for the benefit of providing advice or recommendations to third parties. Nurses Research Publication disclaims any responsibility for any adverse consequences resulting from the failure to seek medical, nursing, or other professional advice, or to conduct independent research. Nurses Research Publication further disclaims any responsibility for updating or revising any programs or publications presented, published, distributed or sponsored by Nurses Research Publication unless otherwise agreed to as part of an individual purchase contract.

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