Substance Abuse: CNS Depressants - Alcohol

Social Problems

In this country, two-thirds of domestic violence incidents, half of all traffic fatalities, one-third of the cases of child abuse, half of the deaths by fire, 67% of homocides and aggravated assaults, 40% of forceful rapes, and 35% of suicides can be traced directly to alcohol abuse; and about 5% of American alcoholics end up homeless.

Alcoholism is found in all socioeconomic classes and cultures. Although the ritualistic use of alcohol is thought to inhibit the development of alcoholism, American Italians and Jews, native American tribal groups, French, and Italian people, have alcohol-related health problems, and all have incidence of alcoholism. Asian-Americans have lower rates possibly due to their metabolism.

Family problems--The family may be completely disrupted and emotionally exhausted by the interpersonal stress imposed on them by alcoholism. There is a high risk that the children of alcoholic families will become alcoholics themselves.

Continue to Signs of Alcoholism